Greater Opportunity Visibility with AlphaBrook Pipeline Reports

The Challenge:

Many BD and C-Level executives have shared painful stories with us about missed opportunities in 2019 for RFPs they never saw released. In almost every instance, these individuals had access to paid BD platforms and free government databases, like beta.SAM or but still missed valuable and capability-relevant opportunities, which their team would have qualified and potentially pursued as a bid.

The Reason:

After analyzing why these companies missed RFP releases for certain opportunities, it became obvious that most of the opportunities were not even reported on the paid BD platforms or government databases. You see, the platforms do not report on opportunities being released via GSA Schedules, GWACs (like OASIS, Alliant, etc.), or other small BPAs where active proposal competitions are being conducted. In a few other instances, the opportunity may have been on the platform but was listed under the wrong NAICS code or terminology and was not showing up in their searches. After studying this dilemma for almost a decade here at AlphaBrook, the findings are very clear and compelling: companies miss opportunities because they either don’t have visibility into the vehicle source or they don’t have the time to manually search through all the opportunity sources.

The Solution:

To solve this ongoing opportunity identification issue, AlphaBrook has developed a method that prioritizes human logic and targeted searching. Our team of opportunity identification (OI) specialists have wide-visibility across the Federal Contracting market spanning multiple BD platforms, databases, and vehicles (Schedules, GWACs, BPAs, etc.) to find opportunities your company cannot see. Additionally, our OI team does not select relevant opportunities based on simple word matching as many of the platforms do, but rather, we read through the SOWs and RFP packages to confirm relevancy, eligibility, and viability of each opportunity placed within your exclusive and tailored Pipeline Reports.

Fields within an AlphaBrook Pipeline Report include the above topic areas and more

Fields within an AlphaBrook Pipeline Report include the above topic areas and more

If you are interested in learning more about our AlphaBrook Pipeline Reports, please visit our schedule a demo page and submit your information to schedule a virtual discussion.

AlphaBrook Pipeline Report Benefits:

  1. Find relevant opportunities not reported in the BD Platforms

  2. Perfectly aligned opportunities via thorough vetting by our team

  3. Increased opportunity visibility as we track dozens of contract vehicles, databases, and BD platforms

  4. Significant reduction in missed opportunities as we scour the opportunity market

  5. Saved time for your staff as our team uses human logic and a unique understanding of your business to find biddable opportunities for you

Matt Hastings